A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, with or without breast implants, is a procedure that benefits patients experiencing breast sagging as a result of pregnancy or significant weight loss.
Breastfeeding increases the size of the breasts and results in the loss of breast tissue once breastfeeding ends. Similarly, significant weight loss can lead to breast sagging due to the reduction of fat typically found in the breasts.
Depending on the current size and consistency of the breasts, the lift can be performed using the patient’s own breast tissue or with a small to moderate-sized implant.
Using the Patient’s Own Tissue
When using the patient’s own tissue, a small “implant” is created from the lower portion of the breast, which is repositioned behind the breast tissue. This lifts the nipple-areola complex and provides a rounded shape to the breast.
Using an Implant
If the patient has a small or moderate amount of breast tissue or very loose skin, an implant is used to shape the breast. The lower portion of the breast is partially removed, and the remaining pillars are joined to lift the nipple-areola complex and contour the breast shape.
In both cases, the goal is to achieve a natural and aesthetically pleasing breast shape that aligns with the patient’s height, chest size, and preferences.
What Is a Breast Lift Without Implants?
If the patient has sufficient breast tissue with good consistency, a breast lift can be performed without the use of implants. The technique is similar to a breast lift with implants. However, instead of removing the lower breast tissue, this tissue is repositioned to the upper pole of the breast. The tissue from the lower portion is released but not detached from the base, allowing it to be moved upward and fixed at the top of the breast, creating a rounder shape.
For patients with very large breasts, excess tissue is removed, leaving enough to shape the breast aesthetically.
Similar to the technique with implants, an inverted-T scar will appear on the lower part of the breasts.
How Do Breasts Look After a Lift?
For beautifully shaped breasts, it is crucial to ensure their size is proportional to the patient’s height and chest dimensions. The nipples are repositioned higher than their initial position, forming an equilateral triangle with the sternum notch. Achieving harmonious results involves selecting the appropriate implant size and removing the necessary breast tissue to achieve a balanced shape.
The shape of the breasts is more important than their volume. Natural results are achieved by using techniques that lift the breasts without positioning the implants too high.
After the procedure, an inverted-T scar will always be present, which may vary in visibility depending on the patient’s skin type and care. Darker skin tones may tend to develop thicker scars, while lighter skin tones usually result in less visible scars.
To minimize the risk of wide scars, especially in the central part of the breasts, a special porous, hypoallergenic tape, known as Fixomul™, is used. This tape is applied over the incisions for three months, reducing skin tension caused by the implant and preventing the scar from widening.
Initially, the upper pole of the breast may appear slightly elevated. Over time, a minor implant drop occurs, making the lower pole more pronounced than the upper and slightly elevating the areola. This phenomenon, known as “implant rotation,” contributes to a more natural appearance.
How Many Days Does Mastopexy Hurt?
A breast lift, or mastopexy, can be performed with or without implants. When performed without implants, the pain is generally milder and lasts for about two days.
If implants are used, the level of discomfort depends on the technique. Placing the implant entirely behind the muscle results in greater pain due to muscle tension.
Our approach involves “releasing” the muscle from its lower origin to reduce tension when the implant is placed, minimizing discomfort to about one or two days.
Pain levels also vary depending on the individual’s pain tolerance, influenced by their race or genetic heritage. Therefore, pain management medications are chosen based on the patient’s sensitivity.
We also use regional anesthetic techniques that block pain in the chest area. As a result, when the anesthesia wears off, patients still experience reduced pain due to the regional block’s lasting effects.
How Long Should a Bra Be Worn After Mastopexy?
The total recommended time for wearing a special post-surgery bra is two months. This bra is specifically designed for breast lifts, featuring front clasps and soft materials like cotton or lycra.
After 15 days, we recommend switching to a more supportive bra without underwires. The initial bra should still be worn at night for added support.
The purpose of this bra is to support the breasts and prevent the scar from widening.
How Many Days Should I Sleep Upright After a Mastopexy?
Sleeping upright is recommended only on the first night after surgery. This position facilitates breathing, which may be compromised by pain that limits chest expansion if lying on the side or stomach.
The next day, patients can sleep on their side in a fetal position with a pillow between their knees to prevent the body from turning onto the stomach. Sleeping on the stomach is not recommended during the first month post-surgery.
Prolonged upright sleeping is discouraged as it can lead to back pain, hindering recovery. Proper pain management is crucial to ensure a comfortable recovery process.
How Much Does a Breast Lift Cost?
The cost of a breast lift depends on the complexity of each case. Patients with minimal breast tissue and significantly sagging nipples may require a more challenging surgery.
Previous surgical history also affects the cost, especially if reconstruction is needed due to complications from failed plastic surgeries.
For a personalized quote, patients can request a free virtual consultation via WhatsApp.
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